C. diff is the name for a common and easily transmitted infection caused by the bacteria Clostridioides difficile. The infection causes inflammation of the lining of the colon (intestine), leading to severe watery diarrhea. Untreated, it can lead to a serious complication called toxic megacolon.
C.diff affects approximately 250,000 people in the United States each year. Some people only experience it once in their life, but if you have one C.diff infection, there is up to 1 in 4 chance you could relapse (the same infection comes back) or get it again within eight weeks. People most at risk of C.diff are those who are taking or have recently taken antibiotics, especially if they have a weakened immune system.
Bacteria live in feces (poop), as well as soil and water. They spread easily and can live for a long time on hard and soft surfaces, such as linens and clothing. If someone who has C.diff on their hands touches a doorknob and then you touch it, the bacteria is transferred to your hand. They can then enter your gastrointestinal system if you touch your mouth or handle food before washing your hands.
Protect yourself and others from C. diff infection in a healthcare setting
If you are a patient in a hospital, skilled nursing facility, or rehabilitation center, you are at a higher risk of having a C.diff infection – not only because your immune system is likely compromised due to the condition that brought you to the facility, but also because of the number of people you may encounter during your stay.
Here are some steps you can take to reduce your risk of contracting C.diff in a health establishment:
- Ensure that all healthcare workers and visitors wash one’s hands before they touch you and your stuff. If you don’t see them washing their hands, ask them to do so.
- Wash your hands well with soap and water every time you use the toilet. If you use a bedside commode, ask to be carried to a sink to wash your hands or use a waterless hand sanitizer.
- Wash your hands before eating or drinking. If you can’t access a sink, ask the staff or a friend to provide you with waterless hand sanitizer to use while you’re in bed or sitting in your chair.
- Allow cleaning staff access to your environment. Remove everything from the bedside table or nightstand and remove clothing or sheets from the bedside bars so you can dry them.
Patients with a diagnosis C.diff infection should not share a room with someone who is not infected. If you share a room and your roommate signs a contract C.diffask to be moved.
Stop the spread of C. diff at home
C.diff does not only affect people in health facilities. This can also happen at home.
Here are steps you can take to reduce the risk of spread C.diff at home:
- If your accommodation has a second bathroom, reserve one for the person who has it. C.diff infection to limit exposure to others.
- If your home has only one bathroom, make sure the toilet seat, flush, faucets, light switches, and door handle are cleaned with a water-based cleaner. Bleach after each use.
- If the infected person is immobile, keep waterless hand sanitizer on hand.
- Clean common surfaces in the house (door handles, light switches, refrigerator handles, etc.).
- Wash clothes (especially underwear), towels and sheets separately and in the hottest water possible.
- Wear disposable gloves when handling clothing and linens, especially if the person is incontinent (losing control of their bowels). Wash your hands after removing gloves.
- Shower with soap to remove C.diff it can be on the skin.
This educational resource was created with the support of Seres Therapeutics and Nestlé Health Science.
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